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Tasty and Simple Bannock and Sausage

Last updated on May 31st, 2016 at 09:08 pm

There are many ways to cook Bannock bread. However which way you do it, it’s simple and
easy because it is a very basic recipe. You can also adjust some of the ingredients according to
your liking ­ more sugar or more salt, with cinnamon, etc.

Here’s a tasty variation of bannock – Bannock and Sausage. Try it now!


2 cups Flour
1 tbsp Baking soda
1 tbsp Baking powder
2/3 cup Sugar
Pinch of salt

Bannock and Sausage
Bannock and Sausage


Put oil in the pan and spread it evenly.

Stir the dry ingredients (flour, baking soda, baking powder, sugar and salt) together instead of kneading.

Spread it evenly in the pan.

Chop the sausages and put it on top of the bannock mix. You can use pre­cooked breakfast sausage.

Set aside some coals from your camp fire and place the pan on top of it. Cook the bannock untilbrown and flip it to cook the other side.

Top with syrup and serve.

Photo by Dano

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