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Appetizing Potato Pancakes

Last updated on May 31st, 2016 at 08:13 pm

Potato Pancakes is truly a German favorite. And like a true German potato pancake, the potatoes are
grated for that wonderful texture just right for frying. Do not shred the potatoes because it will only
make it seem like a hash brown.


Cups of water

Potato Pancakes
Potato Pancakes


Fill a bowl with water.

Peel a potato. Grate the potato into the bowl of water to prevent the potato from turning black.

Next grate some onion into the bowl of water and potato and cover it with water.

For the egg mixture, crack 1 egg and add salt, pepper and flour. Stir.

Squeeze out the water from the shredded potato and onion.

Add the egg mixture to the potato and onion.

Photo by Sam Felder

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