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Crunchy Bacon Bannock and Grilled Trout

Last updated on May 31st, 2016 at 08:25 pm

So good! That’s Bacon Bannock and Grilled Trout. Everyone looks forward to this camping recipe all the
time. It’s easy to prepare and cooks in minutes. The frying gives the bannock that crunchy texture with
very good puffiness.

The Grilled Trout is also a good addition to the bannock if you’re looking for something more than
bread. Grilling the fish is also easy as 1‐2‐3.


For the bannock ‐
Bacon bits
Baking soda

For the grilled fish –
1 piece Trout
1 thin Stick for cooking the fish

Grilled Fish
Grilled Fish


For the bannock ‐
Start with mixing the bannock dough. Add some flour, salt, and a bit of baking powder to a bowl or pan.
Keep about a third of the flour on the side.

Add the water gradually to the mixture. Use a stick to mix everything. If there is unmixed flour left, add
some water.
Try to mix all flour as much as possible without adding too much water. At some point, there will be no
dry flour left. That’s when you add flour again because the dough is too thin or watery. The added flour
dries the dough out and prepares it for kneading. At this point the dough can be kneaded without too
much mess.

Add bacon cubes to the dough.

If the dough is not needed right away, wrap it in a bandana.

Heat the pan along with some oil or fat and let the bannock sizzle for a while to make the bottom of the
bannock crunchy and slightly burned. Don’t forget to rotate the pan once in a while to bake the bannock
all around.

For the trout ‐
Take a long, green de‐barked and sterilized stick and spear the fish. The stick needs to be quite thin and
pointy because you need to spear the flesh next to the spine towards the tail. Try to balance the fish so
that it can be suspended belly or back down.

Grill it on coals near the fire.

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