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Tasty & Healthy Tuna Noodler Recipe

Last updated on May 31st, 2016 at 09:06 pm

Here is an easy and lightweight recipe for people on the go in the outdoors. The Tuna Noodler
Recipe is a tasty creamy pasta and tuna dish made with dried milk and onion soup mix. Tuna
also makes this a healthy recipe. Tuna is a good source of Omega­3.


A few cups of Pasta
Noodles with some dried milk
Onion soup mix
A can of tuna

Tuna Noodler Recipe
Tuna Noodler Recipe


Boil 2 cups of water. Pour a few cups of pasta into the boiling water.

Stir occasionally for about 6­8 minutes until the pasta is cooked.

Add 3 tbsp of noodles with instant dried milk to make it creamy.

To make it tasty, add some dry onion soup, mix and stir.

Add the can of tuna. Let it simmer for a few minutes and serve.

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