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Good-Tasting Traditional Cake in an Orange Peel

Last updated on May 31st, 2016 at 08:39 pm

The Cake in an orange peel is a well‐loved traditional Girl Scout recipe. It’s basically a cake mixture
baked in an orange peel and cooked in a campfire. It’s a dessert that will surely bring back good old
memories of your boy scout or girl scout days! The secret to cooking this right is to have a really good
fire to cook it in.


4 Oranges
18.5 oz package Corn bread mix
1/3 cup Milk
1 Egg
1 tsp Sugar

Cake in an Orange
Cake in an Orange


Cut the orange in half then remove the insides of the orange as best as you can, leaving only the peel.Use a small, sharp knife to do this. Set aside the removed oranges. The orange peel will serve as an
insulator when you cook the cake mixture.

Pour the corn bread mix, 1/3 cup milk, egg, and sugar in a bowl then mix well.

Put the mixture inside the peeled orange. Do not overfill it because it’s going to expand a little bit.

Cut sheets of tin foil.

Get 2 halved oranges, put them together and wrap it in tin foil.

Bake it in the fire. The cooking time will depend on the temperature, how hot your fire is, how thick the
orange peel is, etc. Usually, it’s about 10 minutes.

Remove from the fire and serve.

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