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Surprisingly Easy Homemade Bread, Navajo Bread

If you want to survive in the outdoors or in the wild, you have to learn something from the natives. And surviving means eating, too.

Here’s a native homemade bread that will surely satiate your hunger when you’re in the great outdoors, whether camping or backpacking – native American fire bread or Navajo Bread.


1 cup All-purpose flour
1 tsp Baking powder
1 tsp Oil

Bannock "Prepper Bread"


Mix 1 cup all-purpose flour, baking powder and salt. Make sure you measure the baking powder correctly to make it work.

After mixing, knead it into dough for about 2 minutes or until it’s no longer sticky.

Put oil on skillet and heat it. Put the dough in, and fry each side for about 2 minutes.

Remove it from the pan and put desired topping. Serve hot.

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