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Camping With Kids

Making Kids Love Camping is Easy… Get to Know This!

Last updated on May 30th, 2016 at 01:26 am

At the end of the day, our family is all that we’ve got but often times, we take them for granted thinking
that no matter what, they will always be there for us. But then again, it’s all about the quality time you
spend with the people who love you the most? They deserve it. So take them away on a trip for that
wonderful family bonding and getting away from ‘digital’ distractions. Camping would be a great idea.

Decide on a date for the camping trip and pick a location. When picking a location, make sure you do
your research and find out the fees involved, and if there is any need to make a reservation.

Planning a camping trip

Gather the family around and involve them in planning the trip. Kids will have a lot of fun camping if
they are involved in planning the actual trip. Get them to research and pick the location. Also have them
make a list of the things they can find when they get there. You can even use it as a game by making
them do a treasure hunt of the things they’ve seen during the research.

Your first family camping trip will not be perfect at first but make sure you use it as a learning
experience. Make a list of the do’s and don’ts along the way. It really needs a lot of planning. Make a list
and create a strategy, and make sure you‐recheck it because camping with kids is a complex activity.

Here are several important reminders to consider:
There are three great seasons to go camping: Spring, Summer and Fall. Camping during winter is rarely
done if you’re with kids because cold kids are not happy kids. Research the ideal place to go camping.
It’s not a bad idea to go somewhere that has a lifeline to civilization.

Pack the car the night before you leave and not on the morning of the actual trip. This will mean you get
to the camp site early. You wouldn’t want to set up camp around dinner time when everyone is already
hungry. It’s also a bad idea to set up a tent in the dark.

Plan how long you’ll be camping. For beginners, it’s good to go on a weekend. Once you get the hang of
it, you can camp for three days minimum.

Think about what you want to do while in the campground. You can go hiking or biking with your kids,
even fishing or swimming in a lake.
Make a reservation because it’s hard to be spontaneous when you have kids with you. This ensures you’ll have a place to sleep when you arrive in the campsite.

Learn more of these ideas in the video below:

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