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Making A Campfire Burn Longer Is Tricky But When I Saw This, My Jaw Dropped!

Last updated on May 31st, 2016 at 12:10 am

Have you ever thought about how pleasant the heat from a fire is? A campfire is a natural place for
people to gather around ‐ whether it’s to socialize, get warm or to prepare a delicious camping recipe.

When you’re out camping during the winter months, a good burning fire is very important. You need to
look for reliable firewood. You should look for wood early on, when there is still sufficient light. A forest
would be the best source of firewood like birch bark and small twigs. Spruce branches are also good fire


Make sure you have a knife that you could use to cut some of the branches in case they are too big. Your
matches should also be in a waterproof container or try storm proof matches. Or you can use this tip
here to start the fire without matches.

To create longer fires, find four to five‐foot long logs, lay them parallel to the direction of the wind.Flatten out a small spot at the ends of your logs where you can place a pot or frying pan. Place a nice pile of shavings in the middle of the logs. Also, place some of the firewood near the logs. You may start the fire whenever you’re ready.

Learn more about preparing a long fire with the video below:

Photo by Doug Beckers

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