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NEVER Ever Forget Camping Tip #5, or You’ll be in Big Trouble!

Last updated on May 31st, 2016 at 01:07 am

Camping means leaving the comfort of your own home. Still, you should do your best to make your
campsite a smart and efficient home away from home because it will be your temporary place for
sleeping, eating and recreation in the outdoors.

Setting up your camp involves both Art and Science. You need to set it up in a smart and efficient way as
it will be your bedroom, kitchen and recreation area.

You should also be conscious of camping site rules when setting up camp. Camping rules and regulations
differ for each national park or national forest so be sure you are aware of them. The one thing they
have in common is the rule that campers should set up camp around 200 feet from the nearest body of
water to prevent water contamination. However, your camp should not be too far away from a water
source so you can easily get water.

A good campsite is a flat surface and never on a steep slope. You wouldn’t want to slide down the slope
while you’re fast asleep. Your campsite should also be located in an area far from parking to avoid
waking up when late campers arrive at night.

After finding the right spot, you’re ready to set up your tent. A waterproof tarp or cloth should be laid
on the ground first before putting down your tent. The tarp or cloth acts as a protection from any sharp
objects that could punch a hole on the bottom of your tent.

setting up camps photo

After setting up your tent, you now need to prepare your kitchen and latrine, and to find a nice spot for
storing your food. Here are more camping tips to do this correctly:

Step 1: Pick a spot on level ground that is not so high on the hill. Not too windy, but not so low in the
valley that you’ll risk being flooded if it rains.

Step 2: Before you pitch your tent, figure out where you’re going to get your water. Ideally, you want to
be close enough to a lake or stream to access water for washing.
Don’t set up camp near still water. It may run deep, but it’s also a magnet for mosquitoes.

Step 3: Pitch your tent in a spot where the sun will heat it in the morning.

Step 4: Set up a cooking area about 200 feet from your tent, in a spot where the wind will not blow
cooking ashes towards your tent.

Step 5: Find a tree at least 200 feet from your tent from which you can suspend a bag of food. Hang it at
least 12 feet off the ground to keep it out of the reach of bears and other animals.
Stick your toothpaste in the food bag at night. Bears have been known to mistake the minty fresh smell
for something tasty.

Step 6: Find a secluded spot at least 200 feet from camp to serve as your latrine.

Step 7: When it’s time to break camp, take all your garbage with you. And pile some stones on your
latrine after you pile it so the next group of campers doesn’t dig up a nasty surprise.

Photo by hermanturnip

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