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These Simple Camping Hacks Are Life-Savers… Don’t Go Camping Without These!

The ever reliable bread bag clips ensure our breads stay fresh and don’t fall from the bags. But did you know that bread bag clips are far more useful than you think? Bread bag clips are very convenient items to pack for camping as they can be used as lightweight clothes pins to hang out wet clothes. Yes, really!

Instead of just draping your clothes in the clothes line which makes the clothes bulky and takes longer to dry, just clip the ends of the clothes with the bread clips and leave them to dry.

This is just one of many helpful camping hacks you need to remember before going on a camping trip, whether it’s family camping, car camping or other outdoor activities.

Another helpful hack is how to effectively store your food in a cooler. You don’t have to put bags of ice in your cooler as this leaves your food wet and soggy after a few days. It would be best to pre-freeze bottles of water at home and use it as ice as they stay frozen for quite a few days, and when they finally melt, you’ll have a cool, refreshing water.

Have you ever tripped in your tent’s guy line? Here’s how to keep that from happening. Good old-fashioned tinfoil will do the trick. Just cut a piece of the tinfoil and wrap it around your guy line allowing a part of it to drape down. The foil’s reflective surface will help you avoid tripping on the guy line.

Now, when you get to setting up your campfire, here’s a simple trick that would keep your food warm. Encircle your fire pit with equal-sized stones while leaving room for a bigger stone with a flat surface so that when you’re done cooking over your campfire, you can place the food on the flat-surfaced stone to keep it warm. Brilliant, isn’t it?

5 Cool camping tips & tricks

Lastly, mosquitoes abound in the outdoors but have no fear, relief is here! Good old toothpaste relieves the itch from mosquito bites. Simply apply a small dab of toothpaste on the mosquito bite and you’re going to get instant relief from the itch and pain.

Well, we hope you learned a tip or two today. Have fun!

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