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I Thought I Know Everything About Packing for Camping… This Proved Me Wrong.

Last updated on May 31st, 2016 at 01:05 am

When packing for camping, be ready for anything. Make sure that you have packed all the essentials
before you leave. Do you know what these essentials are?

Your pack should include three essentials ‐ shelter, food and clothing. Yes, just the basics but packing
them is the challenge.

Camping essentials

To help you organize the essentials, it’s important to have a checklist. This will be a great help in
organizing everything you need. Of course, the list will depend on the type of camping and activities
you’re planning to do, how long your camping trip is, and where you will be going.

For your tent, pack it at the bottom of your big bag along with the tent rainfly. You may also bring a
mallet and a brush you can use for sweeping off pine needles from the tent roof.

Next is your kitchen equipment. Put them in one huge bin. Inside the huge bin, place a smaller bin
containing utensils like tongs, lighters, etc. Bring a picnic cloth as well. Ensure you pack similar things
together like plates, bowls, pans, etc. Remember to always pack them in groups.

For more of these packing for camping tips, watch the video below.

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