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Don’t Settle for Your Usual List of Camping Items to Bring. Here’s What You Really Need!

Last updated on May 31st, 2016 at 12:40 am

The more camping trips you do, the better you get at knowing the essentials of camping. Make a list of
these important camping items and follow your list religiously. Keep it in a place where you could easily
find it and get back to it from time to time to update it.

Every time you go on a camping trip, you may find yourself adding items to your list. You will also likely
remove stuff you brought, but did not really use and replace them with items you wish you had taken.

Basic Camping Supplies
Basic Camping Supplies

Here are some of the important camping items you must bring with you. Don’t leave home without

1. Duct tape because things break and duct tape is really easy to use. If you have a hole in your tarp, you
can use duct tape. If you get a hole in your sneaker, you can use duct tape.
2. A rope. You absolutely need a rope to hang food and to do other stuff that you’ll be surprised about;
you also need it to hang your tarp, to setup a clothesline, to dry your clothes.
3. Toilet paper, paper towels. You should take the cardboard out but save them to use for the fire.
4. Matches and lighters – you’ll need lots of these. You’ll always need them and you can never have
enough. Stash them all over the place, in your backpacks, jackets, etc.
5. Bring a tarp because you need to create a place other than your tent in case it rains. You can also use
it to put all your food in, wrap it up on one side and hang it. You can even use a tarp to collect water. It’s
a super handy thing.
6. Camping stove. You can find a burner that is attached to a butane tank and it’s really light.
7. Pots and pans. One pot will do as you can use it for boiling water or to make soup. Also bring one fry
8. Knife. You will need a knife to chop food for dinner or to cut ropes.
9. Hatchet or camp saw. You need it to cut that piece of wood you found that is really great for your fire
but might be huge.

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