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Brilliant Camping Hacks to Make Your Life Easy… How Did I Never Think Of #2!

Last updated on May 31st, 2016 at 01:10 am

Convenience – it’s what every camper should think about when planning and preparing for camping.
You want everything handy and easy to use because you don’t have the luxury of using equipment or
tools that you would normally find handy at home or in the kitchen. Make a list of things you would
need to bring to ensure you don’t forget anything.

It would also be wise to read or learn about helpful camping tips. There are a lot of resources available
on the internet. The most popular of these are life hacks that would surely give you a great idea or two.

“Camping Hacks That Make Life Better” is but one of the many great camping tips you would find. Here’s
a list of these hacks:

Brilliant Camping Hacks

1. Adding sage to your fire keeps mosquitoes away.
2. Cook bacon and egg in brown paper bags.
3. Use an acorn cap for a whistle.
4. Cut your cutlery from plastic bottles.
5. Use a lighter to seal spices into drinking straws.
6. Use corn chips for fire kindling.
7. Dry dots of toothpaste and cover with soda. They will come back to life when needed.
8. Ants hate oats and will stay away.
9. Use deodorant to calm mosquito bites.
10. Take your head torch and tie it to a milk jug. It creates a wonderful lantern for any campsite.
11. Use tea tree oil. You will never have problems with ticks again. Mix tea tree oil with water and spray
12. An old coffee can is a perfect toilet paper holder.

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