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Breathtaking Kenai Fjords National Park… When I Saw Its Giant Glaciers, My Jaw Dropped!

Last updated on August 25th, 2016 at 06:48 pm

Norway is not the only country with giant ice. You don’t have to travel far to see them because Alaska offers breathtaking views of giant glaciers with its Kenai Fjords National Park.



Kenai Fjords National Park with an area of more than 600,000‐ acre was created in 1980 to protect its wilderness and abundant marine life, especially the orcas.

Interesting Facts

    • Kenai Fjords is known as the smallest national park in Alaska.
    • Kenai Fjords Tours, which started operating in 1974, is Alaska’s top wildlife and glacier cruise provider for more than 30 years now.
    • It’s estimated that around 100,000 visitors visit Kenai Fjords every summer.
    • More than half of the park is covered in ice.
    • Ice fields and massive glaciers are results of the chilly winters in Alaska.
    • Kenai Fjords Park is divided into three parts: Exit Glacier, coastal fjords and backcountry and the Harding Icefields.

What To Do

Boat cruise

Boat tours abound in the park. All boats are built specifically for these tours and boat operators are certified.
Boats usually have maximized outside spaces as well as inside spaces and do offer a minimum of three-hour tours and up to nine‐hour tours. These tours stop at the giant glaciers and offer a great view to the various marine and wildlife in the area ‐ orcas, sea otters, eagles, and more.
kenai fjords cruise-ship

Exit Glacier

Aside from the cruises, Kenai Fjords also offer attractions in Exit Glacier and Harding Icefield, as well as beautiful tidewater glaciers. Exit Glacier is the most popular tourist spot because it is the most accessible and easiest to reach area.

Exit Glacier Kenai Fjords National Park

Resurrection Bay

Resurrection Bay is the favorite destination for experienced kayakers.

Resurrection-Bay Kenai Fjords National Park

Harding Icefield

Harding Icefield is a sight that you must not miss in Kenai Fjords. Known as the largest icefield in the United States and the most famous attraction in the park, there are almost 38 different glaciers in Harding Ice field.

Harding Icefield Kenai Fjords National Park

Things to be considered when preparing for a camping trip


Camping in Kenai Fjords National Park is FREE. The park has only one campground which offers primitive camping (with available tent sites).

exit glacier campground kenai fjords national park

Exit Glacier Campground

Availability : Open year round, no reservations required
No. of sites : 12 camping sites
Camping Fee: FREE
Amenities : Water, toilets, fires, wheelchair, hiking
Advantage: Breathtaking views in every corner
Disadvantages: No RVs allowed, no showers

Camping along the Harding Icefield Trail corridor is also permitted. However, camp must be set up at least 1/8 mile from the trail on bare rock or snow. Campers are expected to follow the Leave No Trace policy in the park.
Camping is not allowed in the shelter at the top of the Icefield trail because it is for emergency use only.

Best Time to Go

The most popular and best time to visit the park is during summer when most park services and activities are available. It is also the season when the park is easily accessible and when the seas are calm.
best time to go kenai fjords park


The month of May is the driest month. During this time, the road going to Exit Glacier is open. The road closes in October when snow starts to fall. The backcountry area of the park is also not accessible in the winter season due to rough seas. Many park visitors enjoy winter recreations in the park. Snowmobiles, skiing and dog sledding are among the top activities during the winter season.
kenai fjords national park dog sled

Rain is common. Weather in the park is unpredictable and it changes quickly. Be prepared for any kind of weather conditions and pack accordingly. It is recommended to wear layers and bring rain gear.


Cell phone coverage is limited and is not available in most of the Park.


As a general rule, it is always a good idea to bring first aid kit, extra food, water, and emergency supplies with you. To help you prepare for your Alaskan adventure, read a lot of information about staying safe here .

What to Bring

For backcountry travel or longer day hikes in the park: (source)

  • Extra food (at least several days worth for backcountry travel)
  • Water filter (or iodine tablets or extra fuel for boiling water)
  • First-aid supplies
  • Trowel (for burying human waste)
  • Pocket knife/multi-tool
  • Waterproof matches or lighter
  • Pepper spray or other non-lethal bear deterrent
  • Stove and fuel
  • Bear resistant food canister (or rope etc. for hanging food)
  • Mosquito head net and light weight gloves for bug protection
  • Roomy tent and extra tarps

Tips for Planning your camping trip

  • Visit the Kenai Fjords National Park Information Center located near the small boat harbor for more information and recommendation on how to make the most of your stay in the park.
  • Plan your camping trip during the warmer months. Most roads are closed during the winter.
  • July and August is when the campground is at its peak and campers fill the campground fast. Arrive at the park early to secure a spot.
  • Camping is not an option during the winter months.
  • Campers will feel warm during summer because the campground in the park is located far from the glaciers.
  • Be sure to follow the Leave No Trace policy .

Get more breathtaking sights of Kenai Fjords National Park in this video:


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